Sunday, 16 November 2008

About our project

The project deals with issues important for future of the Earth. The project consists of five parts. We will learn and analyse the past and the present and we will consider the future of the Earth.
There are many nations speaking different languages but they should have something in common; the care of the future of our planet.
How to act so that not to destroy but to protect natural environment?
We will try to find answers to this question. It is easy to destroy something but it is very hard to rebuild it.
It will be also very important to overcome a language barrier, to recognize participants’ own identity and universal values, to learn about other nations’ culture. The project will help the youth to find their roots. As Cardinal Wyszynski wrote ‘School is an eagle nest and eagles fly to the world. How high? It depends either on themselves or on the school. We want to help the youth to get great wings to fly very far and high.

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