Thursday, 29 January 2009

A primeira mobilidade

A Escola Secundária com 2º e 3º CEB Anselmo de Andrade encontra-se envolvida num projecto europeu Comenius, abrangido pelo programa Lifelong Learning Programme, cujo nome é “Quo Vadis Homo sapiens” e cujos objectivos principais visam ultrapassar as barreiras da linguagem entre os participantes do projecto pela utilização de uma língua estrangeira comum, conhecer a cultura de outros povos, reconhecer a identidade nacional dos outros participantes, desenvolver competências relacionadas com as tecnologias de comunicação e informação, desenvolvendo cooperação entre escolas parceiras. Além destes objectivos, o projecto está relacionado com temas importantes para o futuro e sustentabilidade da Terra, sendo o principal actor o Homem. Iremos estudar, aprender e analisar o passado e o presente para perspectivar o futuro próximo da Terra. Há muitas nações na Terra. Apesar de falarem diferentes línguas, devem ter uma coisa em comum: relacionar-se para preservar o futuro do nosso planeta.
No mês de Novembro fomos a Berlim, numa reunião de projecto de todos os parceiros (Polónia, Itália, Alemanha e Roménia, além de Portugal) e começamos a desenvolver algumas actividades, além de visitarmos a cidade.
Brevemente faremos um relato dessa viagem.

Élia Martins (Coordenadora do Projecto)

Wednesday, 28 January 2009


O próximo intercâmbio no âmbito do projecto Comenius vai ser a este país, um país da Europa oriental, rodeado pela Hungria, pela Ucrânia, pela Moldova, entre outros, e banhada pelo Mar Negro. Para saber mais:

Our School and City - Portugal

Monday, 26 January 2009

A procura de um logotipo

Em Berlim, uma das primeiras actividades desenvolvidas foi a procura de um logótipo para o Projecto “Quo vadis Homo sapiens”. Os alunos foram organizados em grupos com elementos de várias nacionalidades e com os materiais à sua disposição, lápis de cor, de cera, papel e mesmo computador, deram largas à sua criatividade. Nas imagens podem ver apenas algumas dessas propostas.
As várias propostas foram expostas e houve votação. Qual ganhou?
Brevemente a resposta.

Monday, 19 January 2009


Colegas e alunos

No âmbito do projecto "Eco-escolas" está a decorrer a Auditoria Ambiental 2008/09.
O questionário servirá para compreender melhor os hábitos e as opiniões da população que caracteriza o contexto populacional em que o Agrupamento de Escolas Anselmo de Andrade se insere, em aspectos relacionados com o ambiente. As tuas respostas são muito importantes! Só juntos poderemos detectar os principais problemas e contribuir para que a nossa escola e o meio em que se insere se transforme num local ainda mais agradável.
Vai ao seguinte endereço e responde às questões. Pede também aos teus alunos para responder. TODOS devemos responder.
O Conselho Eco-Escola agradece a sua colaboração e eu também.
Bom trabalho

Élia Martins

The Earth is one! Save It!

See the Web Page of the Project

The Earth is one! Save It!

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

Students 10th degree

My Profile

Full Name: Ana Filipa de Melo Fradique

Birthday: 15th June

Sex / Age / Status: feminine, 15, single

Hair / Eyes: curly brown hair, brown eyes

Family: parents and 1 older brother

School: Anselmo de Andrade High School

Education: Attending 10th Form

Skills: I like going to the cinema and staying with my friends. I’m funny, easy-going and stubborn.

Favourite Movies: a vida é bela

Favourite TV Shows: Grey’s anatomy, Zé Carlos, opera’s, etc.

Hobbies: swimming, going out with my friends and listening to music


Hometown / Country: Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: David Filipe Pedrais Cruz

Birthday: 04/01/1993

Sex / Age / Status: Male, 15 years old, Single

Height: 1,78 cm

Hair / Eyes: Black/brown hair and green eyes

Family: I have one brother and one sister and I live with my parents.

School: I´m in the tenth year

Education: I´m in the tenth year.

Skills: I´m very good at basketball.

Favourite Music: “Oasis: Wonderwall”

Favourite Movies: “Coach Carter”

Favourite TV Shows: “American Dad” and “Simpsons”

Favourite Books: Eragon

Favourite Games: NBA 2k8

Hobbies: Playing basketball, video games and going out with my friends.

Pets: Two dogs and two cats ( I love animals! )


Hometown / Country: Almada, Portugal.

My Profile

Full Name: Patrícia Miguel Pereira

Date and place of birth: Almada, 14th February 1993

Sex / Age / Status: Female, 15, single

Height: 1m 65cm

Hair / Eyes: Brown, Green

Family: Brother, mom and dad

School: Anselmo de Andrade High school

Education: 10th Form

Favourite Music: I don’t have a favourite music

Favourite Movies: Saw

Favourite TV Shows: Csi, Grey anatomy, Prison Break

Favourite Books: “Lua de Joana”

Favourite Games: Grand Theft Auto, Need For Speed

Hobbies: Cinema, guitar, talk with my friends

Pets: 3 dogs

Trivia: when I found “my men”


Hometown / Country: Almada, Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Andreia Filipa Morais Penas

Date and place of birth: 10th April 1993, Almada,

Sex / Age / Status: Female, 15, Unmarried.

Height: 1,66 m

Hair / Eyes: Light brown hair, brown eyes.

Family: I don’t know what I have to say about my family. Live with my parents and I haven’t got brothers or sisters.

School: Anselmo de Andrade Secondary School, Almada.

Education: 10th school year

Skills: Nothing in special.

Favourite Music: I don’t like one song in particular, I like many.

Favourite Movies: Saw (I, II, III, IV [and I think that I will go to love V too])

Favourite TV Shows: Dr. House, The Simpsons, CSI, and more.

Favourite Books: Perfume – The History of a murder and Zodiac.

Favourite Games: I don’t play games, only Snacks on the phone. (LOL)

Hobbies: Swimming, talk with my friends, go out with friends.

Pets: No pets.
Trivia: Nothing special, only have fun.

Hometown / Country: Almada, Portugal.

My Profile

Full Name: Luís Filipe Massas Caparica

Birthday: 19th November

Sex / Age / Status: Male, 14 years old,

Height:1,68 cm

Hair / Eyes: light brown / brown

School: Anselmo de Andrade High School

Education: Attending 10th Form

Skills: Football

Favourite Music: “One love” (Bob Marley)

Favourite Movies: ”Pirates of Carabean 3”

Favourite TV Shows: “Gato fedorento”

Favourite Books: Harry Potter

Favourite Games: Fifa 09

Hobbies: Playing football and watching tv

Trivia: studying and chating with friends


Hometown / Country: Lisbon, Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Ana Cristina Veloso Gonçalves

Birthday: 13th December 1993

Sex / Age / Status: Feminine / 14 / Compromised

Height: 1,56 m

Hair / Eyes: Brown / Blue

Family: Mother, father, brother

School: Anselmo de Andrade Secondary School, Almada

Education: 10th year

Skills: Computer science (Computing)

Favourite Music: Lenny Kravitz – I’ll be waiting; Aerosmith – Crazy;

Favourite Movies: “La vita è bella”, “Meet Joe Black”, “Moulin Rouge”

Favourite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Dr. House

Favourite Books: Diary of Anne Frank

Favourite Games: Guitar Hero and Gran Turismo to PlayStation

Hobbies: Take photographs, listen to music, go out with friends and boyfriend, go to cinema, play tennis

Pets: Two dogs

Trivia: I really like photography

Hometown / Country: Almada / Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Valéria Andreia Reyes Ferreira

Birthday: 15th July 1993

Sex / Age / Status: Female / 15 / Single

Height: 1.65m

Hair / Eyes: Blonde / Brown

Family: Mum, dad, sister

School: Anselmo de Andrade High School

Education: currently on 10th grade

Favourite Music: rock, house, ska, pop rock

Favourite Movies: Frida, Volver, shrek

Favourite TV Shows:Gato Fedorento, simpsons, Disney channel

Favourite Books: Cidade dos deuses selvagens

Favourite Games: Singstar

Hobbies: Dancing, going out, chatting with friend, listening to music

Pets: 1 fish


Hometown / Country: Almada / Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Gonçalo Miguel Reyes Dias

Birthday: 30th January 1993

Sex / Age / Status: Masculine / 15 / Compromised

Height: 1,73 m

Hair / Eyes: Brown / Brown

Family: Mother, father, brother, grandmother

School: Anselmo de Andrade Secondary School, Almada

Education: 10th year

Skills: Cooking

Favourite Music: Sum 41 - Pieces

Favourite Movies: “La vita è bella”

Favourite TV Shows: Next, date my mom, cribs – Mtv

Favourite Books: Coração – Eduardo de Amicis

Favourite Games: Pro Evolution Soccer 2009, Guitar hero, Football manager

Hobbies: Play videogames, listen to music, play tennis and football, handing out with friends and girlfriend

Pets: A dog

Trivia: I play football at SLB (Benfica)


Hometown / Country: Almada / Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Sara Filipa Castro Costa Pinto

Birthday: 24th February 1993

Sex / Age / Status: Female / 15 / Single

Height: 1. 68m

Hair / Eyes: Brown / Brown

Family: Mother, father, older brother and younger sister

School: Anselmo de Andrade High School

Education: currently on 10th grade

Favourite Music: The great majority of music I listen to it’s from radio (Pop, Pop-Rock, Rock, Alternative Rock, House).

Favourite Movies: I don’t have favourite movies. I like all kinds (including Disney movies), especially good ones.

Favourite TV Shows: Prison Break, CSI, Criminal Minds, Grey’s Anatomy, Bones, Simpsons, ‘Gato Fedorento’, Still Standing, MTV

Favourite Books: Harry Potters, ‘A Cidade dos Deuses Selvagens’, ‘A Corda do Tempo’,...

Favourite Games: Singstar, GTA, Buzz

Hobbies: Chatting with friends, going out, watching TV, listening to music, playing PlayStation, playing guitar, playing tennis

Pets: Two hamsters


Hometown / Country: Almada / Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Jessica Sofia Simões Da Silva

Birthday: 23/12/1992

Sex / Age / Status: F / 15 / Single

Height: 1.68 m

Hair / Eyes: brown

School: Anselmo Andrade High School

Education: 10th grade

Favourite Music: I like almost all kinds of music! Music and dance is with me :)

Favourite Movies: Incubus, The Happening, Prom Night, The Ruins, the ring, the seven….

Favourite TV Shows: fox, mtv love (love song), VH1, channels of movies (I love movies) and etc.

Favourite Books: I do not like to read

Favourite Games: favourite game... I like the races of the cars, of the struggle, the adventure... the sims2...ect

Hobbies: I see TV, hear music, get out with friends, I am going to the movies, chatting…

Trivia: I love being with friends and rhodium of people... I am social and outgoing, also have an enormous difficulty in being quiet.


Hometown / Country: Almada / Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Joao Pedro Rato Fonseca

Birthday: 17/01/1993

Sex / Age / Status: Male / 15 /

Height: 1,63 cm

Hair / Eyes: Blond / Green

Family: father, mother, sister

School: Anselmo de Andrade High School

Education: 10th Form

Skills: Football

Favourite Music: Wonderwall -Oasis

Favourite Movies: Scary Movie, Mamma Mia, Final Destination

Favourite TV Shows: Extreme Sports Channel

Favourite Books: Filhos da Droga

Favourite Games: Skate, PES 2009, NBA live 09, WoW, counter strike source

Hobbies: Skateboarding, Football, beach, ending out with friends


Hometown / Country: Almada - Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Inês Maria Gonçalves Agrela de Almeida

Birthday:17th september 1993

Sex / Age / Status: female / 15 / single

Height: 1.64

Hair / Eyes: blond / green or blue

Family: father,mother,and two sisters

School: Anselmo de Andrade High school

Education: Tenth grade

Skills: playing football, listening to music

Favourite Music: all

Favourite Movies: American Pie

Favourite TV Shows: MTV, People and Arts

Favourite Books: I don’t read

Favourite Games: all

Hobbies: listening to music and internet

Pets: None


Hometown / Country: Almada/Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Diogo Jorge Gonçalves da Encarnação Mesquita

Birthday: 13th of April

Sex / Age / Status: Male/15 years/single

Height: 1,64 m

Hair / Eyes: light brown/brown

Family: Mother, father and one younger brother

School: Anselmo de Andrade High school

Education: 10th grade

Skills: I play karate

Favourite Music: Rock, hip hop, R&B

Favourite Movies: Lord of the rings,

Favourite TV Shows: Myth Busters, Brainiac, late night with conan

Favourite Books: Eragon

Favourite Games: World of warcraft, counter strike

Hobbies: playing computer, hanging out with friends and girlfriend

Pets: A dog


Hometown / Country: Almda/Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Catarina Fonseca Santos Dias

Birthday: 26th October, 1993

Sex / Age / Status: Feminine / 14 / Single

Height: 1,70 Cm

Hair / Eyes: Brown / Brown

Family: Mother, father, Grandma and me !

School: Anselmo de Andrade High school

Education: currently doing 10th grade

Skills: I play guitar !

Favourite Music: “Ben Harper – Walk Away”

Favourite Movies: “Awake”

Favourite TV Shows: “Simpsons”

Favourite Books: “Filhos da Droga”

Favourite Games: Gaia ^^ (

Hobbies: Playing guitar and chatting with my friends

Pets: a very cute Dog ^^

Trivia: I like to play football with friends !!


Hometown / Country: Almada / Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Daniela Filipa Guerra de Abreu

Birthday: 23rd December 1993

Sex / Age / Status: Female / 15 / Single

Height: 1,58 m

Hair / Eyes: Brown / Dark Brown

Family: mother, brother, father

School: Anselmo de Andrade High School

Education: 9th grade, currently on 10th

Skills: I like to Cook, when it’s need I can clean the house and other things I can’t remember right now.

Favourite Music: I like all types off music … I like linkin park, basshunter, paramore, Justin Timberlake… I’m very versatile.

Favourite Movies: Scary movie, Saw, Sweeney Todd, Harry Potter, Mamma mia…

Favourite TV Shows: The Simpsons, Family guy, American Dad, Zé Carlos, charmed and Naruto

Favourite Books: Marley and Me

Favourite Games: Sims2, Naruto…

Hobbies: I like to play videogames, watch TV, hanging out with my friends, go to the cinema, chatting on the internet and drawing.

Pets: I have a dog
Trivia: I just love anime and manga and sports.
Hometown / Country: Almada/Portugal

My Profile

Full Name: Nuno Gonçalo Coutinho de Lucena Martinho

Birthday: 1/8/1993

Sex / Age / Status: Male/ 15/ Single

Height: 1m 66cm

Hair / Eyes: Brown/ Green

Family: Mum, dad and sister

School: Anselmo de Andrade High

Education: Attending 10th grade

Skills: Judo, skate

Favourite Music: The kooks, killers, jack Johnson, xutos e pontapes, John Mayer, Green Day, Cold play, Ben Harper, Jason Mraz, Da weasel and Arctic Monkeys

Favourite Movies: Scary Movie (All), Harry Potter (All), Mamma Mia, Burn after read.

Favourite Games: PES, FIFA, Skate, Beijing 2008, GTprologue

Hobbies: watch tv, playstation3, pc, Judo, skate

Pets: dog


Hometown / Country: Almada, Portugal